Site-96 Breach - Incident Log

Date: 2023-10-27. Time: local time. Personnel on site report a breach in containment protocols within ZoneBeta. Initial reports suggest SCP-963 is a primary source of the breach. Security personnel have been dispatched to the zone and are currently engaging in strategic withdrawal. The extent of the breach remains unclear at this time. Further

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Incident Log: Site-96

On date, a series of anomalous events occurred within the confines of Site-96. At approximately 08:15 hours, a gradual shift in spatial coordinates was detected. Contained within the primary containment zone was a recently activated anomaly designated as SCP-XXXX. Additional analysis into this event is currently ongoing. Personnel involved in the

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Incident Report: Site-96 Containment Breach

On 07/15 at approximately 14:37, a containment breach occurred at Site-96. Initial reports indicate that SCP-XXXX breached its secure chamber. Security teams responded immediately, and a full lockdown was initiated within Site-96. The breach resulted in significant damage to the research labs. Investigations are ongoing, and efforts are underway to

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Strict Containment Protocols: Site-96

Site-96 implements stringent containment protocols designed to neutralize the potential threat of anomalous entities. These protocols include a range of procedures, including physical seclusions, psychological intervention protocols, and advanced containment environments. All personnel assigned to Site-96 are meticulously trained in these protocols

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